Diagnosing and restoring aquatic biodiversity
The 2 days of discussions between scientists and water managers were an occasion to present some 30 partnership-research projects on aquatic biodiversity. Following a status report on biodiversity in aquatic environments, the speakers presented a range of innovative tools for monitoring and restoring biodiversity in a context of global climate change. This document recapitulates the knowledge, methods, results presented during the meeting, as well as the many questions raised by all this new information.
The symposium was organised by Onema (National agency for water and aquatic environments), with assistance from IOWater (International office for water), and was held in Paris, on 14-15 November 2012.
To read on the same event
Diagnosing and restoring aquatic biodiversity - n°21 | Meetings | April 2013
The national symposium on The outlook for managing aquatic biodiversity in rivers and lakes was an occasion to report on some 30 partnership-research projects in the field of aquatic biodiversity. Following a status report on biodiversity in aquatic environments in France, the meeting went on to present a range of innovative tools for monitoring and restoring biodiversity in a context of global climate change.
Biodiversité aquatique : du diagnostic à la restauration | Meetings recap | September 2013
Une trentaine d'actions de recherche partenariales autour de la biodiversité aquatique ont été restituées lors de ces rencontres. Après un état des lieux de la biodiversité des milieux aquatiques, un ensemble d'outils novateurs pour son suivi et sa restauration, dans le contexte du changement global, ont été présentés. Synthèse.