River restoration in France. Changes in definitions and techniques over space and time. Outlook for the future.
What does river restoration consist of? How is the concept defined? What isthe difference between restoration, rehabilitation and renaturation? How arethese different concepts applied? What are the corresponding techniques?
Restoration is an important issue in managing water and aquatic environments, however the concept itself is still debated. There is still no consensus concerning the answers to the above questions, whether among participants in management work or among researchers. The discussions address the multiple dimensions (scientific, technical, ethical, political and social) of the concept.
To improve our understanding of this paradigm, investigate its contributions and limits, and look at the potential changes in its application in the field of water and aquatic environments, we reviewed current definitions of restoration as it is now practised in France and abroad.
Restauration des cours d'eau en France : comment les définitions et les pratiques ont-elles évolué dans le temps et dans l'espace, quelles pistes d'action pour le futur ? | Knowledge for action | July 2017
Afin d'améliorer la compréhension du concept de restauration de cours d'eau, de réfléchir à ses apports et ses limites, et d'envisager ses applications futures pour la gestion de l'eau et des milieux aquatiques, un état des lieux des définitions et des pratiques existantes en France et à l'étranger a été réalisé.