Head water streams, a critical issue for water resources - n°36
The participants brought together for the “Head water streams – How to reconcile the issues affecting these exceptional territories?” symposium took part in interesting debates on the issues, knowledge and actions undertaken in these territories. This symposium forms part of the actions of the 2014-2018 National Plan of action for Wetlands.
Seminar was held in Paris on 4 and 5 March 2015 and organised by Onema with the help of the International Office for Water and in partnership with the ministry for ecology, the Loire-Bretagne and Rhin-Meuse Water Agencies, the Wetland Transfer Units, the permanent assembly of the French chambers of agriculture and the French National Forestry Board.
Les têtes de bassin versant, un enjeu essentiel pour la ressource en eau - n°36 | Meetings | December 2015
Alimenter les débats sur les enjeux, les connaissances et les actions menées sur les têtes de bassins versants, tel était le but du colloque "Têtes de bassin - Comment concilier les enjeux sur ces territoires hors du commun ?" de 2015. Un colloque inscrit comme l'une des actions du Plan national d'actions en faveur des milieux humides 2014-2018.