Exotic crayfish invasions. Ecological impacts and management approaches
This document presents the results of the first National meetings on invasive exotic crayfish providing a description of present knowledge on invasive and native crayfish species in France, a better understanding of processes operating, the place of invasive crayfish in aquatic ecosystems and their effects on biodiversity, and lastly a presentation of management approaches investigated in the country.
These first meetings were organised by the INRA, the Parc naturel régional de Brière, the CNRS, the Onema and the Forum des marais atlantiques. They took place on the 19th and 20th of June, 2013 at Saint-Lyphard, at the heart of the Brière marshes.
To read on the same event
Invasive exotic crayfish: present situation and management approaches - n°22 | Meetings | September 2013
Out of the 9 crayfish species inventoried in France in 2013, 6 were introduced during the XXth century. 3 of them are well-known invasive. In response to an increasing need for more knowledge and solutions, an unprecedented research effort has been led in Brière since 2010. All these studies, along with others led elsewhere in France, were presented during the first French meeting on invasive exotic crayfish.
Les invasions d’écrevisses exotiques. Impacts écologiques et pistes pour la gestion | Meetings recap | October 2013
Après un panorama des différentes espèces d'écrevisses recensées en France, cette synthèse présente un ensemble de connaissances actualisées sur la biologie des espèces invasives, leurs modes de colonisation des milieux et leurs impacts écologiques. Elle dresse aussi un état des lieux des moyens opérationnels disponibles pour le suivi et la gestion de ces espèces invasives, à travers un ensemble de retours d’expériences.