Implementation of the Water Framework Directive. When ecosystem services come into play
This document presents the results of the seminar Implementation of the Water framework directive. When ecosystem services come into play, i.e. the concept of ecosystem services, the application methods for integrated water management in Europe, recommendations for decision-makers and the fields where further research is required.
Recap of the 2ndWater Science meets Policy event, Brussels, 29 & 30 September 2011. This seminar was organised by Onema, the French national agency for water and aquatic environments, and EC DG RTD (Research and innovation directorate of the European commission) in the framework of the science-politics interface for WFD implementation (CIS-SPI).
Mise en oeuvre de la directive cadre sur l'eau - Quand les services écosystémiques entrent en jeu | Meetings recap | February 2013
Cet ouvrage présente les résultats du séminaire qui a permis d’introduire le concept de services écosystémiques, de présenter les méthodologies d’application à la gestion intégrée de l’eau en Europe, de formuler des recommandations aux décideurs et d’identifier des besoins de recherche.