Drinking-water abstractions and nonpoint-source pollution. Operational solutions for supply zones of priority water abstractions
Protecting water abstractions from the nonpoint-source pollution released in large part by farming activities is a crucial challenge for our societies. The Large-scale farming offering high economic and environmental performance scientific group (GIS GC-HP2E) brought together a number of participants, including the agricultural and institutional sectors, representatives of local governments, industrial companies and scientists, to discuss these complex issues. This document recapitulates the projects presented, the viewpoints and the scientific contributions made during the meeting.
Recap of the 2011 Meeting of the GC-HP2E scientific group, 3 February 2011, in Paris.
To read on the same event
Drinking-water abstractions and nonpoint-source pollution - n°10 | Meetings | June 2011
Protection of drinking-water abstractions from nonpoint-source agricultural pollution was already a major health issue 30 years ago and has today become an urgent regulatory problem. In parallel with the Water framework directive, which set goals for good water status by 2015, the Grenelle environmental agreement identified 500 priority abstractions for which action plans must be set up by 2012. The wide-ranging discussions produced a vast array of information on people’s experiences, technical solutions, opinions and questions. A review.
Captages d’eau potable et pollutions diffuses : quelles réponses opérationnelles à l’heure des aires d’alimentation de captage "Grenelle" ? | Meetings recap | August 2011
La protection des captages vis-à-vis des pollutions diffuses issues des pratiques agricoles s’impose comme un défi crucial pour nos sociétés. Dédiées aux questions complexes posées par ce défi, les rencontres 2011 du GIS GC-HP2E ont contribué à amorcer une nécessaire concertation, à l’échelle nationale, pour la construction de réponses opérationnelles aux problématiques de la protection des captages. Synthèse.