Economic instruments to support water policy in Europe: paving the way for research and future development
Positioned at the interface between science and policy, the workshop provided an opportunity for economists, practitioners, policy makers and researchers to dialogue about the design and implementation of (new) economic instruments in the field of water, as a means to identify: the main policy demands in terms of economic knowledge and expertise, key “success factors” for the effective implementation of economic instruments, pre-conditions for economic instruments to deliver behavioural changes and efficiency gains, and support financing actions for achieving sustainable water management and the ecological objectives of the WFD.
Recap of the meeting held in Paris, 9 & 10 December 2009, and organised by Onema, with assistance from ACTéon. Participants included economists, hydraulics engineers, water-sector decision makers and representatives, EU representatives, scientists and politicians from 11 EU countries, the U.S. and Australia.
Quel(s) rôle(s) pour les instruments économiques dans la gestion des ressources en eau en Europe ? Enjeux politiques et questions de recherche | Meetings recap | June 2011
Consacré au rôle des instruments économiques dans la gestion des ressources en eau, ce séminaire européen a notamment permis de clarifier la demande des politiques sur les questions-clé à résoudre, les principaux facteurs de succès de la mise en œuvre de ces instruments, et les conditions pour assurer leur efficacité économique et leur performance environnementale.