Assessment of the National Biodiversity Strategy 2011-2020 (condensed version)
What lessons may be drawn from the implementation of SNB 2011-2020? What are the paths for progress? What methods should be selected for SNB3 (after 2020), notably in terms of the types of action and the governance of the strategy, given the rapidly changing conditions in France and the world? To answer these questions, the French Biodiversity Agency and the Ecology Ministry requested an assessment of the strategy, including a retrospective analysis (public-policy evaluation) and a forward-looking analysis.
- Introduction and presentation of method
- Baseline document for the assessment
- Answers to the cross-cutting questions
- A severe assessment raising issues for SNB3
- Initial recommendations for SNB3
- Issues concerning the formulation of SNB3
Bilan pour l'action de la stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité 2011-2020 : synthèse de l'évaluation | Knowledge for action | September 2020
Quelles leçons tirer de la mise en oeuvre de la SNB 2011-2020 ? Quelles voies retenir pour l'après 2020, notamment en termes de modes d’actions et de gouvernance de la 3e SNB ? Pour creuser ces questions, un bilan - comprenant une analyse rétrospective de type évaluation de politique publique et une analyse stratégique - a été réalisé.