Chemical contamination of aquatic environments. Tools and methods for assessment and action
How can the sources of pollutants be better identified and how can emissions be reduced? How can the presence of pollutants be linked to the observed ecological impacts and how can the assessment of water status be improved? Finally, how can the “emerging compounds of most concern” be identified in order to start working immediately on regulating them and attenuating their impacts? Over the past 5 years in France, these questions were the focus of an unprecedented R&D effort in the framework of the national 2010-2013 Micropollutants plan and a number of more specific action plans targeting PCBs, plant-protection products, pharmaceutical residues, urban wastewater management... The national symposium was an occasion to review the work undertaken.
Recap of the symposium on Monitoring, assessing and reducing chemical contamination of aquatic environments, organised by Onema and Ineris, held on 17 and 18 June 2013.
Pierre-François Staub :
Christine Feray :
To read on the same event
Reducing chemical contamination of aquatic environments: five years of progress and results - n°23 | Meetings | December 2013
The national symposium on monitoring and reducing chemical contamination of aquatic environments brought together water managers, stakeholders and scientists. An array of results and techniques, produced over 5 years of intensive efforts by BRGM, Ifremer, Ineris and Irstea, were presented.
La contamination chimique des milieux aquatiques. Outils et méthodes pour le diagnostic et l'action | Meetings recap | March 2014
Ce document propose une synthèse des avancées scientifiques et opérationnelles sur les 3 axes du plan Micropolluants 2010-2013 : la connaissance et la maîtrise des sources de pollution, l'amélioration du diagnostic de l'état des milieux aquatiques, les travaux relatifs aux nouvelles substances et aux nouveaux outils biologiques pour le diagnostic et l'action.
Surveiller, évaluer et réduire les contaminations chimiques des milieux aquatiques | Evénement | -
Le séminaire national de juin 2013 consacré à la surveillance et à la réduction des contaminations chimiques des milieux aquatiques continentaux et des milieux littoraux a permis de partager les connaissances acquises et de diffuser les outils de gestion disponibles. Au programme également : les résultats de 5 années de R&D soutenue par l’Onema et les Agences de l’eau, en partenariat avec l’INERIS, le BRGM, IRSTEA, l’IFREMER et le consortium AQUAREF.