Improving control over nutrients by restoring river hydromorphology
Scientific research on the relations between hydromorphology and nutrient-transformation processes has increased over the past few years. This review of the literature presents the most noteworthy aspects of current knowledge and a number of examples.
Increasing quantities of nutrients in rivers have led in many cases to significant eutrophication of environments. This complex process affects all ecosystem compartments via physical, chemical and biological disturbances and, more generally, it affects the use value of aquatic environments. The operation of hydrosystems contributes to regulating various ecological processes, including physical (water storage in floodplains, aquifer recharging and mitigation of low flows by wetlands), chemical and biological processes.
Restaurer l’hydromorphologie des cours d’eau et mieux maîtriser les nutriments : une voie commune ? | Knowledge for action | December 2012
Depuis quelques années, les recherches scientifiques concernant les relations entre hydromorphologie et processus de transformation des nutriments se développent. Cette synthèse bibliographique publiée en 2011 fait un point sur les éléments à retenir de l'état des connaissances actuelles.