Ecological damage and ecological torts - How does society deal with and remediate damage to water and aquatic environments?

Données du document
Delphine Loupsans
Authoring structure(s)
Agence française pour la biodiversité - AFB
Agence française pour la biodiversité - AFB
Knowledge for action
Edition date
Number of pages

This book is intended for public and private stakeholders involved in applying or affected by environmental regulations in general and water regulations in particular. It describes the current scientific, legal and operational situation as well as the progress already made and that required to fully take into account ecological damages, on the basis of in-depth scientific and technical knowledge combined with current developments in the human and social sciences.

Contact : Delphine Loupsans, French Biodiversity Agency -

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Covers / Preface, abstract, summary and introduction / Bibliography, authors, contributors & acknowledgements

Chapitre 1 - Legal basis and liabilities for damage caused to water and aquatic environments

Issues involved in characterising ecological damage

  • Introduction
  • Sources of water law and its evolution toward integrated management designed to limit actions affecting environments
  • The response of the legal system to damage inflicted on nature in order to control behaviour affecting environments
  • The different liability regimes used to remediate torts arising from damage to water and aquatic environments
  • Conclusion
  • Summary

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Chapitre 2 - When the legal, scientific and technical sectors work together

Technical aspects involved in dealing with ecological damage

  • Introduction
  • The role of scientific and technical legal experts in civil and criminal cases
  • Differentiating between legal experts, knowledgeable persons and witnesses
  • When does an expert take part in a judicial trial?
  • Onema and prosecutors, an example of increasingly well defined conditions for cooperation
  • Conclusion
  • Summary

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Chapitre 3 - Assessing damage during a trial. From an assessment of damage to an assessment of remedies

  • Introduction
  • The different judicial procedures for damage caused to water and aquatic environments
  • Judicial procedures, a framework for assessments of damage caused to water and aquatic environments
  • Conclusion
  • Summary

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Chapitre 4 - Territorial considerations in the legal situation and how they apply to ecological damage

  • Introduction
  • Different levels of territorial exposure to ecological damage
  • Different levels of territorial reaction to ecological damage
  • Issues involved in territorial specialisation in environmental litigation
  • Conclusion
  • Summary

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Chapitre 5 - The time factor in managing ecological damage

  • Introduction
  • Different time factors in the manifestation and effects of ecological damage
  • Time factors involved in preserving environments and in remediating ecological damage
  • Conclusion
  • Summary

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Picto drapeau France

Du dommage écologique au préjudice écologique - Comment la société prend-elle en compte et répare-t-elle les atteintes causées à l'eau et aux milieux aquatiques ? n°26 | Knowledge for action | April 2017

S'adressant aux gestionnaires de l'eau et aux acteurs publics et privés impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de la réglementation sur l'eau, cet ouvrage présente un état des lieux scientifique, juridique et opérationnel des avancées et du chemin qu'il reste à parcourir en matière de prise en compte des dommages écologiques, par le croisement de l'expertise scientifique et technique avec les connaissances produites par les sciences humaines et sociales.

Périmètre du document
Geographic extent
All of France
ISBN web
ISBN print
Cadre réglementaire
Directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE)
Areas of action
Gestion des activités
Données et connaissances
Droit et contrôle
Recherche et développement
Politique & gouvernance