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Eléments d’hydromorphologie fluviale | Comprendre pour agir |

Cet ouvrage dévoile la complexité des phénomènes mis en jeu dans la « fabrication » des cours d’eau. Dédié à l'hydromorphologie fluviale, il s'adresse aux enseignants, étudiants et formateurs, et apporte aux gestionnaires et bureaux d’études, des méthodes d’analyse et des principes de gestion des cours d’eau.


Management plan to save the eel. Optimising the design and management of installations - n°15 | Rencontres |

Over the past 3 years, the Eels & Installations R&D programme launched 18 research projects to optimise the design and management of installations to protect migrating eels. This feedback symposium sketched a panorama of the results achieved in a series of presentations addressing the operational aspects of issues. The presented solutions and tools pave the way for a collaborative response by the economic participants to the challenge of restoring the species.


Aloses feintes en Corse. Recherche de présence grâce à l'ADN environnemental. Rapport final | Rapport d'étude |

Devant le manque de données précises sur la répartition de l'alose feinte en Corse et face à la difficulté de mise en oeuvre des méthodes traditionnelles de suivi de l'espèce, il est apparu nécessaire de compléter les connaissances sur la présence de cette espèce migratrice par une approche basée sur l'ADNe metabarcoding, qui consiste à utiliser les traces d'ADN laissées par les êtres vivants dans leur environnement.


Water status and the Water framework directive. A review of assessment methods - n°13 | Rencontres |

In view of the 2nd management cycle of the Water Framework Directive, 2011 constituted a key year for developing and ensuring the compliance of water status assessment methods. 2 scientific information days focusing on bioindication were followed by 2 days of discussions in order to review the progress made, the prospects for the development of methods used for assessing water status in France, and the tools of the water status assessment system (système d’évaluation de l’état des eaux - SEEE).


Treatment of wastewater, sludge and septage in small to mid-sized towns - n°11 | Rencontres |

The main goal of this symposium organised during the 2010 Pollutec trade show was to provide the French sanitation sector with operational tools to assist in meeting regulatory requirements and protect aquatic environments. It was also an occasion to hold a debate on priorities for research and future developments, taking into account operational needs.


Drinking-water abstractions and nonpoint-source pollution - n°10 | Rencontres |

Protection of drinking-water abstractions from nonpoint-source agricultural pollution was already a major health issue 30 years ago and has today become an urgent regulatory problem. In parallel with the Water framework directive, which set goals for good water status by 2015, the Grenelle environmental agreement identified 500 priority abstractions for which action plans must be set up by 2012. The wide-ranging discussions produced a vast array of information on people’s experiences, technical solutions, opinions and questions. A review.


How should invasive species be managed in aquatic environments? - n°9 | Rencontres |

Exotic crayfish, bullfrogs, Japanese knotweed, primrose willows… invasive species are one of the main pressures that ecosystems are subjected to. Objective of this seminar on the management of these species in aquatic environments? Provide 3 days for exchanging between the various stakeholders involved with these species, while also providing scientific and technical knowledge that can improve management practices.


Good status of aquatic environments based on the scientific concepts of ecological engineering - n°8 | Rencontres |

The goal of this meeting was to shed new light on the issues involved in maintaining and restoring the quality of aquatic environments. The point was to take a new look at attaining good ecological status as defined by the European water framework directive (WFD) on the basis of ecological-engineering concepts, without undertaking a complete review of the methods used in this field.


Mesocosms: their value as tools for managing the quality of aquatic environments - n°7 | Rencontres |

Mesocosms are artificial ecosystems used by researchers and industrial companies to study the long-term effects of chemical substances on the structure and operation of natural aquatic ecosystems. Could these experimental platforms be useful for managing the functioning of natural environments, notably for establishing environmental quality standards and developing monitoring tools? Are they sufficiently representative for use in setting regulations?


Climate change, impacts on aquatic environments and consequences for management - n°2 | Rencontres |

Building, on a national scale, sustainable dialogue between scientists and water managers in order to address the recognised climate change, that was the objective of this seminar. This dossier provides an overview of the current knowledge that was presented, the points of view expressed, and the questions raised over.
